SMiRT 13 Conference
The thirteenth International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology – SMiRT 13 – was organized by the School of Engineering of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, in Porto Alegre, Brazil, as the openng event of the celebrations of its first hundred years of existence. The Post-Graduate Programs in Civil (CPGEC) and Mechanical Engineering (PROMEC) carried most of the burden imposed by the organizational efforts, through their Laborataories of Structural Dynamics and Reliability (LDEC) and of Fluid Mechanics (LMF). Held for the first time in the Southern Hemisphere, SMiRT attains in its 13th edition the status of a truly world conference, consolidating its position as the most important international meeting devoted to the assessment and enhancemen of the structural safety of nuclear power plants (NPP).
There is no question that structural mechanics plays a fundamental role in the safe generation of nuclear energy, either by providing NPP with adequately designed foundations, structures and components that reliably comply with all primary functions, but also by furnishing the essential passive protection of containment buildings. Throughout its history, IASMiRT, the Organization responsible for SMiRT Conferences, has fostered safer nuclear energy generation through progress in all chapters of Structural Mechanics. It is hoped that the discussions during the Conference of the material contained in these Transactions, as well as subsequent developments will continue being of upmost value in this quest.
As an open forum, SMiRT enables the discussion of engineering and scientific issues at the highest technical level with participation of representataives from University and research institutions, Industry and Government as well as regulatory bodies. Aware of the progress attained in many of its areas of activity, IASMiRT efforts are now devoted to assess these new results jointly with scientists and engineers from other fields, in a fruitful cross-breeding process whose ultimate objective is to reduce the risk to the environment posed by all forms of energy generation and industrial operation, through safer support and protective structures. These objectives are clearly reflecte in these Transactions, as well as in the Proceedings of Pre- and Post-SMiRT 13 Seminars.
The support of the organizations and institutions listed in the preceding page is kindly acknowledged. It goes without saying that they made the Conference possible.
The Executive Committee