SMiRT 2 Conference
Chairman’s Message
Purpose and Aim of the Conference
The purpose of performing International Conferences on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology is to bring together engineers and scientists who are actively engaged in solving structural mechanics problems in the field of reactor technology with fundamentalists in the general field of engineering mechanics to present and discuss applied and fundamental papers on structural mechanics problems in reactor technology.
The successful performance of the 1st International Conference on STRUCTURAL MECHANICS IN REACTOR TECHNOLOGY, Berlin, Germany, 20-24 September, 1971, provided considerable encouragement to continue. In fact, many of the conference participants expressed the hope that international conferences of about the same style will become a regular affair.
The 2nd International Conference on STRUCTURAL MECHANICS IN REACTOR TECH NO LOGY, Berlin, 10-14 September, 1973, is arranged along about the same lines as the 1st SMiRT Conference. The present book of summaries shows that the meeting of reactor technologists and engineering mechanicians from countries all over the world at the 2nd SMiRT Conference again will bring together a wealth of information and inspiration for the benefit of both reactor technology and of structural mechanics science.
The concept of the Conference is that of a meeting prepared for extensive discussions, facilitated by advance distribution of preprints to the Conference participants. The Directorate-General for Dissemination of Information of the Commission of the European Communities is at present producing the Preprints of the 2nd SMiRT Conference containing compacts of about seventy per cent of the about 400 papers to be presented at the Conference. A supplement volume is planned for taking in papers of authors who could not meet the original deadline but meet a deadline extended until June 30, 1973. The present book of summaries contains the summaries of practically all papers.
The Conference Executive Committee is grateful to everyone who has given thoughts, time and influence towards the materialization of the 2nd SMiRT Conference. We are grateful to the institutions and societies who have granted their co-operation. The Conference Executive Committee further expresses its gratitude to the Senate of Berlin for its generous general support of the Conference.
The Conference Executive Committee wants to thank the authors of contributed papers and invited lectures for their willingness to openly describe their achievements, share experiences, and confront their concepts. We also thank the persons who have accepted the task of serving the Conference as members of the Scientific Committee and as session chairmen.
A word of special appreciation goes to Mme. J. Stalpaert of the Directorate-General for Dissemination of Information, Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, who is acting as Publication Manager, and to Mrs. E. Kleversaat of the Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung, Berlin, who is serving as Conference Secretary, for all their efforts and devoted talented work for the organization of the 2nd SMiRT Conference.
Finally, I want to express my personal gratitude to my friends and colleagues whose encouragement and great support have helped promoting the endeavour of this Conference.
Berlin, May 1973
Thomas A. JAEGER
General Chairman and Technical Program Chairman of the 2nd SMiRT Conference
c./o. Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung, Berlin