Member, IASMiRT Advisory Board
Electricite de France, France
Claude Faidy has been an international expert for EDF Engineering Division on Structural Integrity, Ageing Management, Safety Analysis and Codes & Standards for all the major French Nuclear plants. He has been at EDF for about 35 years with various technical and management positions; retired in 2012 and now Consultant for different national and international companies. FAIDY obtained the “Mechanical and Civil Engineering” degree from Nantes French Central Engineering School. He is a contributor to: AFCEN (RCCM/RSEM/RCCMRx) and ASME (BPVC) developments, French Safety regulation support, chairman of OCDE-NEA IAGE Metal Group on Ageing Management of Metallic components and IAEA expert on Ageing Management. He supported SMIRT 6 in Paris and SMIRT 14 in Lyon; he is SMIRT International Scientific Committee member on the topic of Metallic Component Structural integrity.