Member, IASMiRT Advisory Board
Tsuyoshi Takada is a professor of School of Engineering of the University of Tokyo since 1998. He is an expert on risk and reliability in structural engineering. Particularly, he has been very actively working in the field of seismic safety of nuclear power plants, hazard assessment, fragility assessment, probabilistic seismic risk assessment and risk communication.
Before 1998, he had worked for a construction company for 19 years, where he had been involved in many projects on seismic safety of nuclear power plants including seismic design, analyses and seismic risk assessment. Major project area were stochastic mechanics of structures, analyses of dynamic behavior of NPP buildings during earthquake, development of base-isolation technology, seismic hazard assessment, seismic PRA, performance-based seismic design and so on.
He is currently being involved in many international activities for safety of structures. Activities on technical standard development of ISO (International Standard Organization) such as risk assessment of structures, basis of design, seismic design load, accidental actions, etc. He is a member of IASSAR (International Association of Structural Safety and Reliability.
In Japan, he serves for many national technical committees of nuclear safety as an expert on seismic risk management. He is a member of some committees of Japan NRA (Nuclear Regulatory Agency), and a member of technical advisory committee of NRRC (Nuclear Risk Research Center), which has been founded 2014 in CRIEPI (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry). He is currently a representative of newly founded JASMiRT (Japan Association of Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology) in Japan.
He is also working in many academic societies. He is a member of ANS (American Nuclear Society), IABSE (International Association of Bridge and Structural Engineering), JCSS (Joint Committee on Structural Safety), ISO (International Standard Organization). In Japan, a member of AESJ (Atomic Energy Society of Japan), JAEE (Japan Association of Earthquake Engineering), AIJ (Architectural Institute of Japan) and more.