SMiRT 11 Conference11
Tokyo, Japan
August 18-23, 1991

Chair’s Message
Introductory Remarks
Conference Organization
LWR Challenges
Jaeger Remembrance

It is our great pleasure to have been able to invite SMiRT 11 to Japan, just in the 20th Anniversary year of this world-wide known Conference.

During the past 20 years, the size of this Conference has increased a great deal, to say nothing of the quality of the contributed papers from among participants. Those conferences, however, have been held exclusiverly in U.S.A. and Europe and so for the first time Asia can welcome SMiRT to our part of the globe.

Your Organizing Committee has done a good job preparing for the 12 days of meetings, the technical tour and the ladies program. I believe all the participants will be satisfied with this 11th Conference.

Although now is the hot and highly humid season of the year, I hope you will enjoy your stay in Japan and other Asian countries, and promote friendships among the scientists and engineers who will join us at this Conference.

I welcome you and hope you days here are pleasant.

Thank you for your participation.

Mishima Signature

Yoshitsugu Mishima, Professor
Organizing Committee Chairman
SMiRT-11, Tokyo, Japan