Executive Committee
- Howard Gott (Immediate Past-President BNES)-General Chairman
- W.J. Prior (Vice-President, BNES)- Deputy General Chairman
- R.K. Appleyard (CEC)
- Gordon Brown (President, BNES)
- F. Caccia-Dominioni (CEC)
- Henry M. Carruthers (BNES) (Organisation Chairman)
- Thomas A. JAEGER (BAM) (Scientific Chairman)
- R. W. Nichols (I Mech E)
Co-Sponsoring Societies
- Kerntechnische Gesellschaft (KTG)
- American Nuclear Society (ANS)
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers (I Mech E)
Organisation Committee
- Henry M. Carruthers-Organisation Chairman
- B. Edmondson (CEGB)
- B.A. Keen (BNES)
- Mme. J. Stalpaert (CEC)
- Prof. G.N. Walton (BNES)
- P.H.W. Wolff (Vice-President, BNES)
Publication Management
Mme. J. Stalpaert
Commission of the European Communities, Directorate General
Scientific and Technical Information and Information Management
(D. G. XIII)-Brussels